Lessons Learned: Week One

I’ll be honest, learning about business scares me–probably more than I thought it would. Why does it scare me? Well, the main thing that I believe scares me is the language used to discuss business terms. Sometimes I feel like if I do not understand fully the meaning of the topic discussed I will not be able to adequately share my own ideas and points of view.

These fears were squashed as I dove into the readings and the case studies, as I began to realize that there are a lot of people like me who do not know the “business lingo” who, like me, have crazy goals and aspirations. One of the main lessons that I learned was about myself–if I truly want to be successful, I need to not worry about what I do not know, but rather what I can learn.

Another thing that I learned that was really neat, was the wide variety of business models. In class we discussed the advantages and disadvantages of each business model, from merchant and affiliate alike. This discussion helped me realize that you can take any sort of interest and turn it in to a business. The hard part is trying to figure out what model best suits your characteristics, work ethic, and interests.

Here are resources that I would like to reference in the future:

Business Models:


How to brainstorm business ideas:





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